Friday, July 18, 2008

3rd week of July

So...what's new this week? Not much. Skylar is acting like a newborn at night, but Mom is laying down the law and not going to her. I'm more of a bystander, and I'm careful not too complain about lack of sleep in fear that Jess will bring on the Sleep Wars (comparing relative sleep needs).

Speaking of sleep cycles, the transformation is complete. I'm finally a morning person who wakes up in the morning! Skylar has driven my daily wakeup time to about 7:30! Cuban Coffee has become somewhat ritualistic around here, but that's another story.

Anyways, here's the best from this week. Talia regularly enjoys climbing into Sky's crib and playing with her. This was Friday, and the cuteness was abundant. Nobody can make Sky happy like Talia can. This means that 'Operation Distraction' is working out as planned. In due time me & Jess will have our lives back and they'll have each other.

Anyways, enjoy the video.

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